Recession Proof Business.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This week, I have been spending time educating myself, informing myself on the areas I want prosperity. One of the ways has been through reading the book Monetize Your Passion by Rich German and Think and Grow Rich which I downloaded for free using Android on my HTC phone.It is amazing how when reading, I come across things that I already know but were hidden within me all these years. It took reading these books to get me to my "lightbulb" moment! If you are serious about being prosperous, you need to get INFORMED . As my Mentor, Timothy Omotoso said - 'Readers are leaders',I recommend you get inspired to take action towards living your dream life by starting with reading. If you are a Christian, the first book that should inspire you is the Bible, where God tells you that He wishes above all that you prosper. Search out verses that relate to prosperity and write them out. Say it to yourself everyday until you believe in your heart and then go out there and DO SOMETHING!
You can have the greatest idea ever given to man since the creation of the world but if you do nothing with it, you will die in poverty and full of regrets. Enough reading for now, do something towards LIVING.

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