Recession Proof Business.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Prophecy For the Year 2015.


If you write the figure '15' it is a figure that is pregnant. 5 is a pregnant figure. It is very symbolic to many things to come in the new year.

Whatever you saw in 2005, 2015 is a repeat of it times 4, because of the figure '5'. God is dealing with the figure 5 this year coming. Everything is in 5's.

It is a year that those who are in Christ will be in Him for good.Every human being has got 5 sense organs. It is a designer year. If you have negative you are going to have it full time. Those who are managing, this year if they don't go into Christ, they will become a full prostitute- a bonafide one and can lose heaven forever.

Those who are going to go into Christ are going to be pregnant in this new year and it is going to be dangerous, when they move you will know.

Some People will be making love with girlfriend or boyfriend, somebody will enter and stab and kill everyone and kill himself there. He will ask, ”don't you know the difference between my girlfriend and your girlfriend, what are you doing here?" If this parable looks like your own you'll be sorry this year.

It is a place where young boys and young girls will just simply tell somebody on the wheelchair, "it seems to me as if you want me to speak in parables, don't waste my time, I've got other places to go." On both sides, pregnancy at the highest order which part are you going to be.

This year everybody will know the difference between God and gold.

I spoke about kidnapping this year, so be watchful. Those who are pregnant women be watchful even in hospitals, children will disappear. Kidnapping of adults, women, men, highly placed people and anybody can be kidnapped because they are looking for money. They want to use their body parts for money.

Do not hike! Do not hike! Do not hike! Rather go back home without travelling than to hike. I am seeing enlargement in your ministry this year. From branch to branch, every branch will be extended.

This year concerning your blessing it's a shocker year. There are so many inheritances that will be given to people of God this year.

2015 is a year of more signs in the sky, in the sea, on land. Angels will appear in the physical to people. Heavenly hosts are sent. I am telling you what I am looking at not what I am hearing from anybody.

They will say "warn so, so, so person..." You will see angels with wings and you will see the fulfilment very soon. Some of these angels will come in mere clothes and they will mention names saying, "Go and warn so, so, so" and when they are talking to you, on the way they will disappear.

Force your way to be close to God more than anybody else. Put everything aside. There is nothing in the world I promise you.

Some of you will be in the bathroom and a heavenly being will appear. In any part of the world- signs in the sky, in the moon, in the sun, in the cloud, to the sailors in the ship, even on the plane.

To show that this year is different, rapture knocks and we can hear the knock very loud in 2015. Many will be shocked at this word of prophecy.

2015 is a very pregnant year. A lot of things will be given birth to this year-negative and positive.

Something you have never heard before-in the sky, on land, on waters. Signs in the sky will be rampant in divers countries.The sun will just be darkened one day in some countries in broad day-light like it happened during the time when Christ was crucified – for minutes or hours. A lot of signs will happen from God.

There will be increase in the size of animals, I am looking at an abnormal size, from the sea. Something for instance we call a Rhino or a Hippopotamus becomes extremely big that they will mistaken for a Dinosaur.

Excessive and massive sizes of different animals- long, long, long, big, big, big, big of any common and uncommon animals, from the land, from the sea, they will just surface showing that this year is not like any other year, you’ve ever known.

The flooding that will happen this year, people will say ‘We have never seen this in 100 or 200 years’ and some will say ‘not in history!’

Houses will be collapsing for no reason, apart from the fires, floods...shooting in malls etc, it is escalating now even on an international level.

The Holy Ghost is putting it this way, “It is a year where things and events and happenings will be termed as RECORD BREAKING HAPPENINGS.” It will be a record breaking size. People will say, ‘ we have never seen this size before, we’ve never seen this type of snake before, we’ve never seen this type of elephant before, we’ve never seen this type of Rhino before, etc

Some Nurses and doctors will be sharing body parts amongst themselves, there will be fracases in hospitals worldwide in different hospitals where we will see cannibals amongst doctors and nurses eating human flesh.
Children that were born in the former years with two heads and several eyes will be happening this year. I am looking at a child born with two heads, one head facing the front and one head facing the back, sharing a neck. Another I am looking at, it will be sharing the same neck but the neck looks like the letter ‘Y’

It is a year of ‘OHH, Hey’ and January is just a preparatory month, it’s not the beginning of everything.
There is another sickness coming that kills faster than Ebola.

Earthquakes and natural disasters will increase this year.

I am looking at a group of people this year who want to use supernatural powers to fly. I am looking at something like a magical mat, they will stand on it and can disappear and are able to fly and they will call it YOGA, like an exercise.

Fake prophets will increase, they will be going from house to house prophesying about rapture and about peoples’ lives and most of these things will come to pass but they are not sent by God.

Presidents are passing on this year, prime ministers, important people- people whose names I don’t want to mention, who are no longer going to see next year. Top, top, top people. Two most prominent tele-pastors and evangelists will pass on this year and others who are not up to their standard will pass on this year making four of them who are known. A leader in a country who is well known for atrocity will pass on this year, in an African country.

Close your doors always because what the Lord spoke about last year concerning animals entering houses will be intensified this year. Whether you lock your door or not, you will just see them. Animals all over the world-I am looking at Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, India, Pakistan, Boma, Sri lanka and so many more even in this country(South Africa). Close your door and if you have the motto of the year put it there.

Do not say that the door is locked. This is not armed robbery, this is ANIMAL ROBBERY!
This year is a year of WOOOOOOOOW! Everything from this moment is WOOOOOOOOW! From parliament down to the insects, it’s a year of pregnancy.

2015 is a female year. This year is a woman it is not a man, that is why the number ‘5’ is shaped like a bum.”If a person succeeds this year or fails, in every household and human being a woman will do it. Some of you, you find out that your business didn’t succeed in 2014; a woman will render help in 2015. Women will always be involved in success and failure.


One of the major terrorists are already here and they think they operate from this country. Many of the people in the government will be kidnapped and killed. Those of you who like enjoyment, this is not the year to get lost. It is a year to look for God with all our energy. I see it happen in this country and Mozambique. They want to operate within the vicinity of South Africa and Botswana and Lesotho and Swaziland. We have to pray for this country!

We have to pray for South Africa because in the next level, they’ll be carrying guns and shooting each other. 2015 is a shocker in this country, the things that you’ve never heard before will happen. You will know that you have to pray well because you are not in a safe country at all. If we have the crime rate at 20% for example, by next year December it will be 80% where almost everybody will become a criminal that is the reason why you cannot mess up. Half of South Africans on average will want to travel out and run away, that’s how unsafe it will be.

Who Is Tim Omotoso?

His Mission

Tim Omotoso’s mission is to turn the hearts of men back to God. He has a Prophetic and Apostolic call and has been in ministry for over 40 years. Tim Omotoso is God’s special vessel for this end time and has been graced with authority in God’s word. God has highly anointed him to preach the gospel in His demonstrative power, with creative miracles, signs and wonders. He ministers the Word of God with deep revelation and wisdom and is mightily used in prayer. He believes in a complete circuit of ministry- Music, the Word, signs and wonders.


He was taught by the Lord to play the piano, the guitar, drums and other musical instruments before the age of 10. Today he is a gifted and astonishing musician, to the Glory of God. Despite all of these wonderful abilities and experiences he remains a very humble man who is extremely focused in walking the narrow way for Christ Jesus. As a man with outstanding musical talent and exposure, he frequently composes songs, and has raised a variety of music groups including Hosanna Voices, Mercy Voices, Grace Galaxy and Simply Chrysolite. He believes that divinely inspired music helps to create a solid atmosphere for the move of God. He is proficient on the Keyboard, guitar and many other instruments. His words of wisdom (WOW) are another mark of the Prophetic ministry of Tim Omotoso. Such WOW include “God has not comforted you to be comfortable, but to be a comforter, living in conformity with Biblical comfort”, ”Deceit will give you a negative receipt”, “We become weak for the weak so we can gain the weak on a weekly basis” and many more.

His Ministry

Tim Omotoso believes, in line with the scripture, that the widows, orphans and fatherless unit is an integral part of every viable Christian on earth. An arm of his ministry is called Help the Helpless (HTH). The itinerant arm of his ministry functions under Tim Omotoso Global Outreach (T.O.G.O). T.O.G.O airs a weekly programme on various TV stations including Inspiration, 1 Gospel, Soweto TV, METV, and WHT in the United States. The programme is titled “Just as I am". Testimonies of restoration and healing abound from viewers of the TV programme. Tim Omotoso is also the senior pastor of Jesus Dominion International which has branches in the UK, France and across South Africa. In 2013 Tim Omotoso launched a 24 hour Satellite TV station, ADBN ( Ancient of Days Broadcasting Network). ADBN broadcasts various programmes all inspired and geared towards building a house for God in the hearts of men. ADBN features wheel of miracles, the word made flesh, cantata of Church music, 'Just as I am,' Youthful to be Useful, Prayer Bonanza, Documentaries and many many more. ADBN can be viewed across Africa, Europe, Mexico, The Caribbean, United States and Canada. Tim Omotoso, who is currently based in South Africa, has a strong pull to the youth and initiated a youth project in South Africa called “Youth Empowerment Project” (YEP) under YEP he has mentored a number of music groups including “Simply Chrysolite” who have been inspired and guided by him to compose their own songs and produced two albums to date. Rev. Omotoso provides them with guidance through the word of God plus training, exposure, and discipline by virtue of his vast musical experience and exposure.

Tim Omotoso hosts both national and International meetings every month. These include- House of Jacob, Holy Ghost Clinic and an Annual Holy Ghost week. These are inter denominational meetings and aimed at rebuilding people's broken wall of faith and exposing the power and wisdom of God. Tim Omotoso states that “we have heard and are still hearing the word of God; it's time now to reveal God of the word” As a result of these meetings there are numerous healing with medical evidence to support the claims- Debts miraculously cancelled, The deaf and Dumb completely healed, lames walking, cancer disappearing, Lives restored, creative miracles with missing body parts miraculously appearing , the blind see and much more. Tim Omotoso hosts an annual Holy Land Tour and has published a book titled "How to enjoy health, wealth and longevity", and a prayer book titled “Prayer Bonanza”. He also publishes a daily devotional book yearly.


He is happily married to Taiwo and they are blessed with three Children, Victoria, John and Victor.

Jesus Dominion International Statement of Faith.

Statement of Faith

Tim Omotoso Global Outreach is an Apostolic and Prophetic ministry designed under Trinitarian auspices to propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ to this generation with signs following. We believe:

In one God- The father, son and Holy Spirit

The Bible is the inspired Word of God

Christ died and rose again to bring salvation to mankind and reconcile man to God

That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation.

In divine healing, through faith in the Name of Jesus Christ, and that healing is included in the salvation Christ died for

In the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is evidenced by speaking in tongues

In the five fold offices given to the Body of Christ

In water Baptism and the Lord’s supper

In the resurrection of those who have fallen asleep in Christ

In the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

In the Rapture of the Body of Christ.

Tim Omotoso Global outreach (T.O.G.O) has a mandate to turn the heart of men back to God. This vision is carried out through the Church arm- Jesus Dominion International, Help the Helpless project which reaches out to the less privileged and needy in society, and a youth empowerment Project (YEP) which is set to empower youth and mentor them.

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